Cross College seminar on Nigeria

Cross College seminar on Nigeria

This is a past event

Seminar on latest research findings in Nigeria


David Newlands (Senior Lecturer in Economics, Business School, UoA):- Nigeria's National Health Insurance Scheme Presentation

Ogo Iroakasi (PhD Research Student, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, UoA): - Sustainable bioremediation- making biotechnology work

Oscar Nliam (PhD Research Student, School of Law, UoA):- Is the Precautionary Principle Brought Home to the Nigerian Petroleum Industry?


Divine Ikenwilo, School of Medicine & Dentistry, Division of Applied Health Sciences, UoA


All welcome 

If you would like to meet with any of the speakers individually before or after the seminar could you please notify


Hosted by
The Centre for Sustainable International Development subgroup on Nigeria
King's College, KCG5