Bangladesh Group

Bangladesh Group

This is a past event

The purpose of the meeting is to form a group of Bangladeshi researchers and staff at UoA and to find out about their field/topic/areas of research.

It may be possible that the lessons from their research and their knowledge can be transferred to Bangladesh through them and through their links which would contribute to the country's sustainable development. CSID may play a role here. We are also interested to know about the parent organisation/institutes to which the PhD/post graduate students belong. We would also like to explore the possibilities of establishing useful links with these Institutes. Besides we would like to have a forum where researchers/post graduate students at the University can share their experiences and their research, and would like find out if any of these researchers/PhD and post graduate students would like to contribute directly and indirectly to the activities of CSID. University of Aberdeen has been involved with projects and research in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of the country where CSID would like to work with projects and programmes.

Meeting organised by Zahidul Quayyum, Research Fellow, UoA
Hosted by
Centre for Sustainable International Development
Health Science Building, Foresterhill, Room 2.13