Drugs, health and development and environmental sustainability

Drugs, health and development and environmental sustainability

This is a past event

As part of the University of Aberdeen (UoA) Students’ International Development week (28 February to 4 March 2011), the Centre for Sustainable International Development will be hosting a panel discussion.

The two speakers will focus on the linkages between drugs such as tobacco and heroin, public health, environmental and international development concerns.  The panel will be moderated by Brendan Dineen (Population Health, UoA).  It is also hoped that a local specialist working with injecting drug users in Aberdeen will attend. 


Linkages between tobacco control, public health and environmental sustainability: Helmut Geist, Sixth Century Chair in Human-Environment Interactions, Associate Centre for Sustainable International Development


Heroin, health and HIV - An international development perspective: Hilary Homans, Director, Centre for Sustainable International Development

Heroin, health and HIV - An international development perspective with narration_1.pptx

All welcome, students, staff and members of the general public

Helmut Geist and Hilary Homans
Hosted by
The University of Aberdeen, 581 King Street, MacRobert Building, Room 051