Sustainable Development 2011: harnessing the energy of communities

Sustainable Development 2011: harnessing the energy of communities

This is a past event

Chris Church, Chair, UK Low Carbon Communities Network and Malcolm Fergusson Head of Climate Change, The Environment Agency are confimed to speak at Sustainable Development 2011.

The coalition is committed to making this 'the greenest government ever'. The Big Society agenda aims to stimulate partnerships with local authorities, civil society and businesses to ensure that communities work together towards common environmental goals and solutions. The green economy is also a crucial component of economic growth but how are the new green enterprises, products and services going to be best supported?The Carbon emissions targets of 2020 are fast approaching; it is vital that growth continues to be sustainable, communities are engaged and waste is reduced. Public services can take a bold and creative appraoch to meeting environmental challenges. Will the Big Society concept lead to other innovative methods that can better our environment?Our sixth annual Sustainable Development conference aims to bring together leading exemplars of sustainable best practice, to showcase the latest technical innovations and discuss the policy and initiatives that can deliver a greener future for the United Kingdom. Delegates can hear and debate the latest government policy and targets as we aim to showcase how best to implement sustainability initiatives successfully and cost effectively.Other Speakers Include: Peter Madden, Chief Executive, Forum for the Future Farooq Mohammed, Business Development Director, British Gas Community EnergyJonathan Tillson, Head of Sustainable Development Unit, Department for Environment Food and Rural AffairsIsabel Dedring, Environment Advisor, Greater London Authority Paul Isbell, Energy Manager, Bristol City Council  Craig Bennett, Policy and Campaigns Director, Friends of the EarthAndy Deacon, Head of Local Delivery, Energy Saving TrustDr Douglas Parr - Chief Scientist and Policy Director, Green Peace UK

Various speakers
Hosted by
Public Service Events
The Barbican, London