World Development Movement: Visions of global justice

World Development Movement: Visions of global justice

This is a past event

New thinking and age old skills on change making for social justice. Come to the World Development Movement’s annual campaigner’s convention. Hear world-renowned political scientist Susan George, learn how to use stories to win campaigns, find out about WDM’s campaigns for justice on hunger, climate and the banking system in 2011 and even write your own campaigning poem.

On the day:

  • Susan George, political scientist and world-renowned author will talk about her new book on challenging the world's super rich neoliberal elite with an achievable greener, fairer future.
  • Danny Chivers, poet, researcher and activist will share his experience of using poems to communicate campaign issues and help us do the same.
  • The story of change, a workshop on using stories and changing narratives to win campaigns.
  • WDM campaigns in 2011, WDM campaigners will share our campaign plans for justice on hunger, climate and the banking system and how you can be involved.

Cost: Free, £4 donation for lunch

To book your place today email:


WDM flyer.pdf 

Susan George, Danny Chivers, WDM campaigners
Renfield St Stephen’s Centre, Bath Street, Glasgow, near King’s Theatre