Café Internationale: Ethical issues in foreign aid: the why and how of aid

Café Internationale: Ethical issues in foreign aid: the why and how of aid

This is a past event

In this talk Dr Dower first examines the ethical basis for an individual in one country giving aid to help alleviate poverty in another country. After briefly countering some arguments that we have no duty to give aid, he considers benevolence and several ideas of global justice, including the claim that we ought to compensate for indirectly contributing towards harming others or undermining what they have a right to. How far do these theories apply to corporate bodies such as nation-states, business companies or charitable organisations? Each involve complications: state governments are beholden to electorates and to international agreements, companies beholden to their shareholders, charities to their members or donors (whose views may not be our views). What do we make of the general idea of conditionality in aid? How far should aid organisations accept or welcome other aid agencies which have different goals and methods?

Nigel Dower is Honorary Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Aberdeen and Academic Consultant (t/a ‘Cosmopolitan Agendas’). He joined the University of Aberdeen in 1967 where he taught until 2004, except for three years teaching Philosophy in Zimbabwe (1983-86) and five months as Gillespie Visiting Professor, College of Wooster, Ohio in 2000. He was Head of Department from 1996-1999 and 2000-2001. In June 2004 he took early retirement in order to pursue his interests in ‘exploring ethics in a globalised world’ through teaching, lectures, writing and consultancy. He was visiting Professor in the University of Akureyri, Iceland in Sept-October 2004, and Visiting Professor in Colorado State University, Fort Collins January-May 2006.

Nigel Dower's webpage

Lecture Notes

Dr Nigel Dower, Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen
Hosted by
Centre for Sustainable International Development
Aberdeen Foyer Marywell Conference and Training Centre Board Room, Marywell Street, Aberdeen, AB11 6JF