Interdisciplinary Expert Workshop on the Potential of Small-Scale Biogas Digesters in Sub-Saharan Af

Interdisciplinary Expert Workshop on the Potential of Small-Scale Biogas Digesters in Sub-Saharan Af

This is a past event

The workshop is for researchers in a range of disciplines, addressing issues of poverty alleviation, improvement of ecosystems services and implementation of biogas digesters in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides a unique opportunity to bring together a network of people with the necessary expertise to get small-scale biogas digesters working in Sub-Saharan Africa. The project partners include systems modellers, economists, social scientists, engineers, hydrologists, biologists, soil scientists, crop scientists and extension workers.

Workshop agenda 24th - 28th January (170111).docx 

Hosted by
DFID funded - coordinated by Dr Jo Smith, University of Aberdeen
Makerere University, Uganda

Dr Joanne Smith, University of Aberdeen