UN post-2015 development framework: issues of equity, inclusivity and sustainability

UN post-2015 development framework: issues of equity, inclusivity and sustainability

This is a past event

This presentation will look at the process of developing the post-2015 development framework including the High Level Panel Report, the deliberations at the UN General Assembly Special Session and the most recent Open Working Group Report. The focus will be on equity, inclusivity and sustainability and how far the documents and slogans produced so far can ensure that they are part of the future global agenda.

Hilary Homans was educated at the University of Warwick where she obtained her PhD and has taught at the universities of Coventry, West of England, the Open University and was Professor at the University of Zimbabwe. Her inter-disciplinary research began in the mid 1970s which led to work with two health authorities followed by research at the University of Warwick on equal opportunities of women scientists in the NHS. In 1985 she began to work on HIV and advised the UK government on prevention strategies. With Peter Aggleton she coordinated the first Social Aspects of AIDS conference and edited the initial book in a series which continues today.

In 1987 Dr Homans began her career in international development when she was seconded by the British government to the Ministry of Health in Zimbabwe where she lived and worked for six years. This was followed by DFID appointments in Tanzania and as Global Adviser on HIV which involved being the UK lead negotiator on women's health at the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing. In 1997 Hilary moved to Geneva to work with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and remained there for 13 years working with WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR UNICEF and the World Bank. She has extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning and policy formulation and developed the WHO Making Pregnancy Safer global strategy; the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GWHA) Vision Paper, and the current National AIDS Strategy for the Republic of Montenegro.

In 2001 she was the WHO Emergency and Humanitarian Action Coordinator following the Gujarat earthquake. This led to a period of work in humanitarian situations especially in post-conflict countries. Hilary has a strong commitment to poverty alleviation, reducing inequity and promoting social inclusion and has worked with 45 countries (eleven in sub Saharan Africa and 25 in the former Soviet Union) and is a founder member of two NGOs in the UK and Zimbabwe. She is the author/editor of four books, over thirty published papers and numerous technical reports for DFID and the UN and has developed distance education modules for staff in developing countries. She is also a published poet.

In January 2010 Hilary was appointed Director of the Centre for Sustainable International Development at the University of Aberdeen. She continues to work with the UN and is a member of the GHWA Reference Group.

Hilary Homans (Centre for Sustainable International Development, University of Aberdeen)
Lord Hope Building, LH104