International Development week - Critical issues in global health and development

International Development week - Critical issues in global health and development

This is a past event

This event is part of CSID Volunteers organised International Development week and students will make presentations on critical issues in global health and development.

Student presentations on:

Children and the Millennium Development Goals in South Sudan – Andrew Connal and group (1st and 2nd year students on Interdisciplinary 6th Century Course in Sustainable International Development)

The epidemic of Childhood Obesity in Latin America - Kenna Robertson (3rd year Medical student on the Global Health and Humanities course)

Early child marriage in Nigeria - group (1st and 2nd year students on Interdisciplinary 6th Century Course in Sustainable International Development)

Secondary Infertility - A Global Injustice Against Women – Samuel Tweed (3rd year Medical student on the Global Health and Humanities course)

Unsafe abortion in Kenya - Francesca Gualco and group (1st and 2nd year students on Interdisciplinary 6th Century Course in Sustainable International Development)

Female Genital Mutilation – Saffi Labram (3rd year Medical student on the Global Health and Humanities course)

Hosted by
MacRobert Building 0.51, Old Aberdeen, AB24 5UA