International development week - Energy Theme

International development week - Energy Theme

This is a past event

This event is part of CSID Volunteers organised International Development week and the focus will be on various aspects of energy. Dr Boute will speak about 'The role of clean energy in the European Union's external development policy', Dr Logan will address 'Flammable Societies to Transition Society: Resource Sovereignty and Energy Politics' and Lora Dimitrova will provide information about the European Student Energy Summit to be held in Aberdeen later this year.

Anatole Boute is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Aberdeen and Legal Adviser to the IFC Russia Renewable Energy Program (The World Bank Group). He graduated in law and in political sciences from the University of Leuven and holds an advanced master (LLM) in energy and environmental law from the same university. In 2005, he was called to the Brussels bar (Janson Baugniet). He advised on and was involved in litigation concerning the liberalization of electricity and natural gas markets, the promotion of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions trading, combined heat and power and nuclear energy.

Owen Logan is a well-published Scottish photographer and was previously Creative Arts Research Fellow in the History Department of the University of Aberdeen. He is co-author of the book Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-economics of Oil & Gas which explores the theory of ‘the resource curse’ holds that countries rich in natural resources such as non-renewable fuels are inherently prone to violence, poverty and corruption. The book critically interrogates resource governance and demonstrates how the resource curse is a false theory used to replace the discussion of imperialism.

Lora Dimitrova is a student and co-organiser of the European Student Energy Summit to be held in Aberdeen in June.


Dr Owen Logan, Dr Anatole Boute and Lora Dimitrova
Hosted by
Taylor Building A 21