The Global Financial Crisis: Can it be turned to the advantage of the world's poor?

The Global Financial Crisis: Can it be turned to the advantage of the world's poor?

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After 25 years of almost unbroken growth the world s economies hit the buffers in 2008. The balance sheets of banks institutions and countries were laid bare. What were the underlying causes of the crisis and what lessons can we learn...

After 25 years of almost unbroken growth, the world’s economies hit the buffers in 2008. The balance sheets of banks, institutions and countries were laid bare. What were the underlying causes of the crisis and what lessons can we learn? Looking through the lens of international development, Clive Mather will consider the impact on those trapped by poverty and disaster.  How could we use the crisis to the advantage of the world’s poor?

Clive Mather, Chairman of Tearfund
Hugh Fraser Seminar Room, Wolfson Medical School Building