6th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training

6th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training

This is a past event

eLearning Africa 2011 will focus on Youth, Skills and Employability. How can Africa unlock the huge potential of its young people? How can ICT for learning and training help?

Call for papers

eLearning Africa is the premier gathering place for all experts and stakeholders engaged or interested in ICT-based education, training and development on the African continent. Everyone concerned with eLearning in Africa is welcome to share and learn. We encourage practitioners and academics engaged in an African context to apply by submitting a proposal for eLA 2011, taking place from May 25th to 27th in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Please note that successful applicants will be offered a significantly reduced conference registration fee.

You are invited to submit proposals for any of the following:

  • To lead a linkWorkshop, Seminar or Meeting to take place on Wednesday, May 25th, 2011
  • To give a linkPresentation in a themed session during the conference
  • To suggest a linkDebate Topic for a debate or discussion during the conference
  • To suggest a linkSpecial Focus Session on a particular topic which you would lead during the conference
  • To give a linkDemonstration / linkBest Practice Showcase of a specific tool, application, service or course
  • To host an linkUmoja, a Knowledge Exchange Session about a topic of your choice, at a round-table with maximum 10 participants, allowing for an interactive and energetic exchange of information and experiences.

Each type of submission has a specific format; please choose the one you would like to use and fill in the form accordingly.

Deadline for receipt of all proposals is Friday, December 10th, 2010.

We will be in contact by the end of February 2011 to let you know if your proposal has been accepted.

Selection Process

The content selection process is overseen by the Conference Organising Committee and guided by the feedback we receive from the Conference Advisory Committees and associated organisations. Our experience has been that we receive many more proposals and ideas than we can include, and as a general rule, approximately one third of all proposals received are accepted.

Selection is made on the basis of the proposal's relevance to the conference themes, the experience and knowledge of the applicants, the practicalities of including the proposal within the conference format and a combination of the proposal's innovativeness and practical value to conference participants.

Kindly note that we will only accept high quality papers and presentations. For us quality is defined by papers that:

  • are clearly grounded in context
  • provide conceptual clarity
  • are supported by clear reasoning
  • are backed up with evidence
  • are relevant for an African context
  • are useful for practitioners, policymakers and prospective partners

and presentations that: 

  • are clear, concise, inspiring and interactive
  • are adequately supported by relevant slides or other visuals
  • provoke and invite discussions with the audience and other speakers.

Please note that priority is given to African-based speakers for proposals being made on behalf of initiatives undertaken on the Continent.

More information

Hosted by
eLearning Africa
Mlimani City Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania