Development economics: Perspectives on aid, trade and development

Development economics: Perspectives on aid, trade and development

This is a past event

The speakers will look at economic development from an international perspective and focus on aid and international development and trade and development.

The speakers will look at economic development from an international perspective and focus on aid and international development and trade and development.

A copy of Michael Tribe's paper is available here Aid and Development: Issues and Reflections

Jonathan Lingham graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a degree in agriculture in 1982, and joined the Overseas Development Administration (DFID's predecessor) as a fast-stream generalist.  His overseas postings have taken him to Pakistan, India and most recently, Sudan, and along the way he has visited most countries in Africa and South Asia. In headquarters he has worked on a range of country and policy issues: the coordination of humanitarian assistance to Mozambique, Angola and Sierra Leone; environmental programmes in South America; reducing developing country debt; improving global food security.  Currently he is working on ways to help developing countries trade more effectively.   

Michael Tribe is a development economist who started his professional career lecturing in the Economics Department in what was then Makerere University College in Kampala, Uganda between mid-1967 and end-1971. He is just completing about 13 years as the Honorary Secretary of the Development Studies Association of the UK and Ireland. During his career he has mainly taught and researched in the Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde and Bradford - with particular overseas experience in Uganda and Ghana. His research has included studies on the Ugandan Housing Market and an international comparative study of cane sugar production technology. Most recently he has published in the areas of industrial development and development policy management (which includes overseas aid). Currently he holds honorary positions in the Universities of Strathclyde and Bradford, and is an external lecturer in the University of Glasgow.

Professor Michael Tribe (University of Strathclyde) and Jonathan Lingham (UK Department for International Development)
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Court room, College Office, Regents Walk, Old Aberdeen, AB24 3FX