CSID Nepal Research Group

CSID Nepal Research Group

This is a past event

The CSID Nepal Research Group meets three times a year to disseminate the latest research taking place in Nepal.

13h30-13h35      Dr Hilary Homans: Welcome and CSID update

13h35-13h55     T N Sapkota: A Study on Nepalese migrant health workers in the UK

13h55-14h25      Sally Woodes Rogers: Neonatal health care in rural Nepal: Behavioural change in newborn care practice subsequent to a community-based health intervention

14h25-15h15      Dr William Tuladhar-Douglas &  Bhavan Tuladhar-Douglas: Economic, material, and knowledge networks of traditional medicinal ingredients

15h15-15h20      A N Poudel: News from Nepal

15h20-15h30      General Discussion

Varous researchers
Hosted by
Institute of Medical Science (IMS) level 7 conference room, Foresterhill
