What’s wrong with Education for All and why are we far from achieving Millennium Development Goal 2?

What’s wrong with Education for All and why are we far from achieving Millennium Development Goal 2?

This is a past event

Professors Lani Florian and Martyn Rouse will speak on progress made in achieving education for all.

Professors Lani Florian and Martyn Rouse will will consider some of the challenges in achieving MDG2 (Universal Primary Education) in the context of the Education for All (EFA) movement and will ask why so many vulnerable children throughout the world are still denied meaningful educational opportunities.  They will not only consider aspects of 'rights to education' but will also address fundamental questions of 'rights in education'. The relationship between education, poverty and disability will be explored.  They will ask questions about the roles and responsibilities of NGO's and international agencies and their relationship with local and national governments in achieving EFA and MDG2 and draw on their experiences in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Professor Lani Florian

Before coming to Aberdeen, Lani Florian worked at the Universities of Birmingham and Cambridge in the UK and at the University of Maryland in the USA.  She is currently Professor of Social and Educational Inclusion at the University of Aberdeen where she is working with colleagues in the School of Education on the reform of initial teacher education programmes.  As part of this work, she has organized international seminars on teacher education for inclusive education, papers from which appeared in a special issue of the journal Teaching and Teacher Education (volume 25, number 4) and a forthcoming special edition of the UNESCO education journal Prospects.

Lani's research interests include models of provision for meeting the needs of all learners, inclusive pedagogy and teaching practices in inclusive schools. She has written extensively on inclusive education, practice and pedagogy and has been keynote speaker on these topics at many international conferences. She has worked on special needs education and inclusion issues for a number of international agencies including UNICEF, the Soros Foundation and the OECD. She served as a Rapporteur for UNESCO's International Bureau of Education's 48th International Conference on Education, 'Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future'. Her publications include; The SAGE Handbook of Special Education, co-authoring Achievement and Inclusion in Schools (winner of the 2008 NASEN/TES academic book award). She co-edited Disability Classification in Education and Promoting Inclusive Practice, winner of the NASEN/TES academic book award in 1999.

Professor Martyn Rouse  

Martyn Rouse is Director of the Inclusive Practice Project (IPP) at the University of Aberdeen, which is designed to reform teacher education so that teachers are better prepared to work in the diverse classrooms to be found in schools today.  Previously he was a senior lecturer at the University of Cambridge and Director of Studies for Education at St Catherine's College, Cambridge. He has undertaken research and development work on inclusion for local authorities in the UK and for several national and international agencies, including the European Agency for Special Needs Education, the OECD and UNICEF. Recent international worked in the Republic of Georgia, Latvia, Bosnia, Serbia and Armenia.  He co-ordinated a Department for International Development (DFID) project with the Kenyan Ministry of Education designed to build educational capacity at the local level so that more disabled children might attend school and he worked on RECOUP as part of a research consortia exploring how better quality education might reduce poverty in India, Pakistan, Ghana and Kenya.

He has carried out research for the DfES in England on the identity and status of teachers of special educational needs and recently chaired the steering group for the HMIE review of provision for pupils with dyslexia in Scotland.  He has published widely on inclusion and additional support needs and is a well-known speaker on these issues nationally and internationally. He is the co-author of Achievement and Inclusion in Schools published by Routledge, winner of the NASEN/Times Education Supplement Academic Book of the Year 2008.

A copy of the presentation is available here What__s wrong with EFA 11-10.pdf

Professor Lani Florian and Professor Martyn Rouse
Hosted by
Centre for Sustainable International Development part of the Cross College Seminar Series. All are welcome.
University of Aberdeen Room 6.13 MacRobert Building 581 King Street Old Aberdeen AB24 5UD
