CSID-Nepal Research Group

CSID-Nepal Research Group

This is a past event

Presentation of latest research findings from Nepal by two University of Aberdeen doctoral students and Dr Ian Harper (University of Edinburgh) and AK N Paudel and Min Bhatta (University of Aberdeen)

14h30-14h35 Welcome and CSID update: Dr Hilary Homans, Director, Centre for Sustainable International Development, University of Aberdeen

14h35-15h05 Economic Burden of HIV/AIDS upon Household in Nepal- PhD Research, AK N Paudel, University of Aberdeen

15h05-15h55 Government / NGO Interaction and the Control of Tuberculosis: Experience from Nepal, Dr Ian Harper, Head of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh https://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/social_anthropology/harper_ian

15h55-16h10 News from Nepal: Britain-Nepal Academic Council (BNAC), Min Bhatta, PhD Student, University of Aberdeen

16h10-16h30 General Discussion

Dr Ian Harper (University of Edinburgh) and
Hosted by
Centre for Sustainable International Development
Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) Level 7, Foresterhill camous, University of Aberdeen, Ashgrove Road West, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD
