Future Connections 2013

Future Connections 2013

This is a past event

Future Connections 2013 is a researcher-led, interdisciplinary event for PhD students with an interest in sustainable development.

For those not based in Edinburgh, bed and breakfast accommodation is available on Thursday night for just £10 per person.  If you would like to take advantage of this discounted rate you must register before 5th May 2013.There are still a few spaces for students to present their PhD research at the conference.Presentations will be divided into three broad themes:i) Theory (How much is your PhD guided by the concept of sustainable development?);ii) Methodology (Have you employed an interesting data collection or analysis method?);iii) Application of findings (Are your findings relevant in the 'real world'? Is it important that your findings are applied?) These themes are based on issues that we think are particularly interesting for interdisciplinary researchers and it is also hoped that they will appeal to students at different stages of their research.If you are interested in presenting, please complete the form at the following link by 5th May 2013: http://eepurl.com/wjNrHNB: Presentation slots will only be allocated to those who have  registered for the conference. Click here to register:   http://www.epay.ed.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&catid=44&modid=2&prodid=897&deptid=24&prodvarid=0Whether you are presenting or not, we would urge everyone attending to bring along an A0 poster outlining your PhD.

University of Edinburgh