Development in an Unequal World: Is There a Path to Global Equality?

Development in an Unequal World: Is There a Path to Global Equality?

This is a past event

The conference gives students a unique opportunity to debate their work in a public forum, receive feedback from academic scholars, meet students from a range of international universities and network with potential employers.

Why should I attend?If you have never been to an academic conference before, and never presented your work in aconference setting, then this is a great opportunity to get some experience and find out how it allworks. This is a conference organised by undergraduate students, for undergraduate students andwe want to hear about the research and work you have been doing.

Who can submit a paper?Students from a wide variety of disciplines including: anthropology, international development anddevelopment studies, international politics and international relations, history, sociology and more.We welcome papers from undergraduate students and students graduating in 2013.

When and where is the conference?The conference will be held at the Docklands Campus of University of East London, UK on Saturday9th November. It is a one day event including an evening reception following the conference.However, on Friday 8th there will be a welcoming reception for those able to attend.

What happens at the conference?Successful entrants will be given the unique opportunity to debate their work in a public forum,receive feedback from academic scholars, interact with publishers and field leaders, meet studentsfrom diverse universities and network with a variety of NGOs.This open conference will centre on subjects pertaining to International Development andInternational Politics. All participants will be presented with a certificate confirming theirattendance and an online journal will be produced presenting the top papers.

What are the paper submission guidelines?We welcome written papers as well as other forms of presentation such as short documentaries andphoto exhibitions. All accepted works will be presented, having been reviewed by a panel consistingof academic experts and publishers.Undergraduate papers in the region of 2000-5000 words will be accepted. We welcome courseworkand other papers. A maximum word limit of 6000 words is in place for those who would like tosubmit their dissertations.

Hosted by
University of East London (UEL) in partnership with the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)
University of East London Docklands Campus London, UK