Book launch with the author of "The Future as Cultural Fact: Essays on the Global Condition"

Book launch with the author of "The Future as Cultural Fact: Essays on the Global Condition"

This is a past event

The Rights, Humanitarianism and International Development Network and Social-Anthropology Subject Area kindly invite you to attend a book launch with the author.

The Future as Cultural Fact is a new collection of essays by Arjun Appadurai that brings together ten years' of research and writing. In a sequel to Modernity at Large and Fear of Small Numbers Appadurai takes a broad analytical look at the genealogies of the present era of globalization through essays on violence, commodification, nationalism, terror and materiality.

Appadurai situates India at the heart of his work and through his engagement with development planning, finance and urban poverty, he embraces a 'politics of hope' and lays the foundations for a revitalized, urgent, anthropology of the future.

Join Arjun Appadurai and academics from across the School of Social and Political Science for a book launch and discussion.

The event is co-hosted by the Rights, Humanitarianism and International Development Network and Social-Anthropology subject area in the School of Social and Political Science

A. Appadurai
Hosted by
The University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh, Meadows Lecture Theatre, on the ground floor of the Medical School, West Side (enter by doorway 4 from the Quadrangle)