Nigeria Research seminar group

Nigeria Research seminar group

This is a past event

The CSID Nigeria Research Group welcomes a distinuished delegation fromthe Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria to present their current research. All most welcome.

1000 Welcome and introductions

1010-1025 Introduction to the Nigeria field epidemiology and laboratory training programme, Prof K Sabitu 

1025-1040  Micronutrient deficiencies and their control in Nigeria, Dr S Idris 

1040-1055  Discussion on the first two presentations  

1055- 1110 Bridging Research-Policy Gap: Expanding the use Misoprostol for the prevention of Post-Partum Haemorrhage to Home Births in Nigeria, Dr C Ejembi 

1110-1125 The Impact of Social and Cultural Beliefs and Practices on Maternal Health among Hausa Women of Northern Nigeria, Mrs M Muazu

1125-1140 Achieving Health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria: Any prospect by 2015?, Dr N Sambo  

1140 Discussion and wrap up

 All welcome

various from Ahmadu Bello, University in Nigeria
Hosted by
CSID Nigeria Research Group
Lecture Hall 3, Fraser Noble Building, University of Aberdeen