UNRISD Seminar Series Event

UNRISD Seminar Series Event

This is a past event

Food security and social protection, Two sides of the same coin?

How to ensure that everybody has enough to eat in order to survive is one of the oldest development dilemmas. The role of social protection lies in its mandate to ensure that subsistence needs are met by public means whenever private means are inadequate. But how well is this mandate being fulfilled?

Stephen Devereux presents the evidence on whether social and productive safety net programmes and policies are successfully reducing food and nutrition insecurity across the globe. In his presentation he will draw on the June 2012 report Social Protection for Food Security commissioned by the FAO’s Committee on World Food Security, for which he was Team Leader.

  • Which social protection instruments work best to improve food security?
  • How can the right to food become real and justiciable in social protection implementation?
Stephen Devereux, Institute for Development Studies ( University of Sussex, UK)
Hosted by
D19, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland