History Repeating? Land Grabs and the Highland Clearances

History Repeating? Land Grabs and the Highland Clearances

This is a past event

The Enough Food For Everyone IF Campaign is holding a major seminar highlighting the parallels between the Highland Clearances in Scotland and land grabs in developing countries.

2013 marks 200 years since the Sutherland Clearances, when large numbers of people were forced off the land they called home. But, right now, in developing countries an area of land bigger than Loch Ness is snapped up by foreign investors every five hours.


This seminar will discuss how Scottish history can influence the global debate on land rights in order to protect the world’s poorest people.

Humza Yousaf MSP( Scottish International Development Minister), Judith Robertson ( Head of Oxfam Scotland), Jacquie Aitken ( Archive officer. Timespan)
Hosted by
Oxfam Scotland
Dunrobin Street, Helmsdale, Sutherland