DSA and Social Policy Association joint conference

DSA and Social Policy Association joint conference

This is a past event

"Meeting Emerging Global Policy Challenges: What can Social Policy and International Development Studies Learn from Each Other?"

The conference will begin on Friday 26 April 2013 at 13:30 and end on Saturday 27 April at 14:30. There will be four sessions, each with three invited speakers who are asked to address the broad aim of their session from a theoretical, policy, comparative or methodological perspective. The final hour of the conference will consist of a panel discussion which will reflect on options for further interdisciplinary collaboration between the two intellectual traditions.

A full programme will be made available shortly at http://www.social-policy.org.uk/international.html.

Confirmed speakers include Sarah Cook, Director of UNRISD, Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, Professor of Social Policy & International Development, University of East Anglia, and Naila Kabeer, Professor of Development Studies, SOAS University of London
Hosted by
University of Bath
University of Bath