Screening of the film Sister and panel discussion on maternal health

Screening of the film Sister and panel discussion on maternal health

This is a past event

A ground breaking documentary/pre-release festival exclusive
Sister tells the story of three health workers from Cambodia, Ethiopia and Haiti and the challenges they face in caring for pregnant women during delivery.


17.30 Refreshments (MacRobert room 0.28)

18.00 Panel discussion (MacRobert Lecture Theatre)

  1. Hilary Homans welcome and introduction, the broader picture, setting the development scene, the connection between international development and global maternal health
  2. Wendy Graham sets the scene for the film, the global burden/Maternal Mortality
  3. Minister, Humza Yousaf - the Government view, what the Scottish Government are doing
  4. Reply by Anne Begg - is this enough? What would a Labour Government suggest?
  5. Ann Gloag – the work of the Gloag Foundation on Obstetric Fistula/disability
  6. Wendy Graham to introduce Soapbox and the film  

19.00 Screening of the film Sister

20.30 Further discussion with panel members “what are the big take home messages”; the “youth voice”, a medical student and a non medical student to feedback on the film from their perspective;  open Q&A session

21.00 CLOSE and thanks  

Various including Minister of External Relations and International Development, Humza Yousaf
Hosted by
CSID, Immpact, Soap Box Collaborative, Take One Action
1730 to 1800 MacRobert 0.28 1800 to 2130 MacRobert Lecture Theatre University of Aberdeen 581 King Street Aberdeen AB24 5UA