Newcastle University International Development Conference

Newcastle University International Development Conference

This is a past event

The Newcastle University International Development Conference 2013 has the theme 'Alternative Development: The Road Less Travelled'.
Is the West way really the best way to develop?
Is Development a compass that is stuck pointing west?
Are we at a difficult crossroads in Development and we don't know which way to go?

Alternative development is being hailed as the answer to the ‘there is no alternative’ mantra of neo-liberal, free-market narratives. It is suggested that the Western neo-liberal discourse has dominated approaches of development for too long, but have we reached a crossroads on our path? Raising these issues at the IDS conference 2013 will contribute to the avoidance of a development dead end.The IDS Conference 2013 aims to give a platform to challenge mainstream and alternative approaches of development, questions the dominance of western neo-liberal perspectives, and uncover realistic paths of development within the context of a diverse globalised world. IDS Conference 2013 will play host to a controversial debate between opposing views and routes of development, seeking to inform people about the strengths and weaknesses of various ideologies, and the future ahead.

Hosted by
Newcastle University
Herschel Building, Newcastle University