Situating Prosperity in a World of Crisis

Situating Prosperity in a World of Crisis

This is a past event

This talk will introduce Oxfam's new measure of Scotland's prosperity - the Humankind Index. It will explore its genesis (the crisis of development in Scotland and beyond). The process of its construction (including the challenges and trade offs) and the first results will be set out. Its implications for policy making in Scotland will be discussed - with input from staff and students very welcome!This event will conclude with a wine reception in the Wolfson Atrium. Free and open to the public.

About the speaker: Katherine is Policy and Research Advisor for Oxfam’s UK Poverty Programme in Scotland.  She leads Oxfam’s Humankind Index, a measure of Scotland’s real prosperity developed through wide ranging community consultation.  She manages Oxfam’s Whose Economy? Project which asks why, despite decades of economic growth, Scotland’s poverty has not been addressed and inequalities have deepened.

The lecture will conclude with a wine reception in the Atrium.

Dr Katherine Trebeck, Research and Policy Advisor, UK Poverty Programme (Scotland), Oxfam Scotland
Hosted by
University of Glasgow
Wolfson Medical School Building,Seminar Room 3 (Gannochy), University of Glasgow

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