Third World Centre - 'Post the Millennium Development Goals - What next?'

Third World Centre - 'Post the Millennium Development Goals - What next?'

This is a past event

The United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been one of the principal means of focusing international action on reducing global poverty. The current MDGs have a target for completion of 2015 and whilst they will have been partly achieved by that date, much more will still need to be done. There is a growing public debate to identify what kind of international policies and strategies should take their place. If anyone in Aberdeen can guide us through the complexity of the emerging debate Hilary Homans can! Do come and hear her!

There is currently a growing public debate concerning what kind of international policies and strategies should take the place of the MDGs which had a target date of 2015. Whilst the goals will have been partly met, much more needs to be done.

We are very fortunate that Hilary Homans has agreed to speak to us on this subject.  Hilary is a dynamic and passionate advocate of development that meets the real needs of the very poor in the world and has a wide range of international development experience (including 13 years in Geneva with various United Nations agencies).  Since 2010 she has been director of the University of Aberdeen's newly formed Centre for Sustainable International Development. If you have an interest in global poverty or international development you should make a point of attending this talk.

   This public meeting will be preceded by the AGM of the Third World Centre at 6.30 pm. The Centre was founded in 1983 and has been a leading organisation in making Aberdeen a Fairtrade city and stimulating Aberdonians to care about what happens to the poor in other parts of the world.  The Centre is now seeking to revamp its activities and get new members so we would be very happy if before coming to the talk you dropped in on our AGM – you don't need to be a current member!  Amongst other things we will be discussing a change in our name to something more up-to-date (such as 'One World Aberdeen'!)



Professor Hilary Homans
Hosted by
Third World Centre
Quaker Meeting House, 09 Crown Street, Aberdeen