Sharing what works in international development

Sharing what works in international development

This is a past event

An event for development professionals, academics and policymakers to discuss how to ensure international development activities are based on sound evidence from social science and from experience of implementation, delivery and evaluation.

Advance registration is required, and will open on 1 October, please email your completed registration form (Word, 188Kb) to

Outline Agenda

09:00   Registration, coffee and networking

09:30           Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for External Affairs and International Development: Welcome and Opening Remarks

Chair: Introduction to the event

9:45    Speaker Session 1

  • Rachel Hayman, Head of Research, INTRAC:From Action to Research: promoting practitioner-academic collaboration in international development research
  • Lorraine Currie, Head of International Programmes, Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF):Promising practices: Improving food security through sustainable agricultural practices: lessons learned from Zambia
  • Alison Strang, Elvis Gama and Karina Kielmann, Institute for International Health & Development, Queen Margaret University:Social determinants of access to health care: capturing complex pathways
  • Jamie Morrison, Head of Overseas Operations, Signpost International:Small is beautiful? The experiences of a small NGO in a changing world
  • Gillian Wilson, Chief Executive, NIDOS:The work of NIDOS & the Improve It Framework

11:00           Coffee break and tour of the NIDOS "Scotland Vs Poverty" Exhibition

11:20           Speaker Session 2

  • Alayna Imlah, PhD Student, Glasgow University:Researching aid effectiveness and societal mobilisation approaches using the Scotland-Malawi relationship as a case study
  • Gerhard Anders, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh:Lessons on governance and government from working in Malawi
  • Esmie Kainja, PhD candidate, University of Leeds:Are orphan-care services responsive to orphans' needs in Malawi?
  • John Briggs, Professor of Geography, University of Glasgow:Engagement and community involvement in development interventions
  • Sheelagh O'Reilly, IOD Parc & Peter Dauenhauer, Strathclyde University: MREAP –Synergies from multiple approaches for renewable energy development in Malawi
  • Hilary Homans, Centre for Sustainable International Development, University of Aberdeen:Evidence-informed policy, partnerships and political commitment

12:40           How do we continue to share experience of what works in development in Scotland?

13:00           Close, buffet lunch and networking

Various including University of Aberdeen Director of the Centre for Sustainable International Development
Hosted by
Economic and Social Research Council and the Scottish Government
The Scottish Government, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ

Google map link to:EH6 6QQ
Telephone: 0131 244 4333
Organised by: Fiona MacDonald, Scottish Government