Development Studies Association- Scotland Conference

Development Studies Association- Scotland Conference

This is a past event

“Development Studies in Africa and South Asia: Cutting across regions and disciplines”

The main purpose of the conference is to promote a cross-regional and crossdisciplinary dialogue between PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and senior researchers with expert knowledge working in South Asia and Africa. The conference will provide a platform to interrogate the multifarious ways in which research projects are shaped by and adapt to regionalization and the association of specific development problems with particular regions (e.g. HIV/AIDS in Africa, demography in Asia). Are there research questions that are associated with either Asia or Africa? What are the reasons? Is regionalization useful or problematic? What can we learn from development studies in other regions? How can we bridge the regional and disciplinary divide?

See programme

Hosted by
University of Edinburgh - Global Development Academy
School of Social and Political Sciences Chrystal Macmillan Building,15a George Square Edinburgh, EH8 9LD staff room, 6th floor

If you are interested in attending this event please;