Discovery Gallery - How to get to zero HIV

Discovery Gallery - How to get to zero HIV

This is a past event

Dr Hilary Homans presents a look at how current work is helping achieve Annie Lennox's dream of zero HIV among young people.

Great progress has been made in curbing the HIV pandemic. Yet HIV is still increasing in some groups, including socially excluded young people.

Dr Hilary Homans presents a look at how current work is helping achieve Annie Lennox's dream of zero HIV among young people.The Discovery Gallery sees four experts take inspiration from the House of Annie Lennox Exhibition. All events begin at 7pm in Aberdeen Art Gallery with refreshments served and an opportunity to view the featured exhibition before the evening’s talk.  Tickets (£4/£3) can be booked in person at the Art Gallery Shop or by calling 01224 523695. Booking is essential.

Dr Hilary Homans - Centre for International Sustainable Development, University of Aberdeen
Hosted by
Aberdeen Art Gallery - The House of Annie Lennox
Aberdeen Art Gallery, Schoolhill, Aberdeen, AB10 1FQ