Livestream of AidData Conference: Putting Aid Data to Work

Livestream of AidData Conference: Putting Aid Data to Work

This is a past event

A livestream of the 'Putting Aid Data to Work' conference to be held by AidData at the World Bank building, Washington DC.

AidData, theĀ Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, and the World Bank Institute invite you to a conference on Putting aid data to work: using better information to get better results.

As the open data movement gains traction, governments and donors are increasingly providing more and better data about development assistance. How can different stakeholders make sense of all this information and use it to improve the results of aid on the ground? Please join us for a day-long conference exploring how open data and aid transparency can be used to:
  • Visualize and combine aid data with other kinds of development data,
  • Track climate change finance and coordinate climate projects with work in other sectors, and
  • Improve the impact of development aid through feedback loops and social monitoring.
The event marks the launch of AidData 2.0, as the AidData program moves out of the "beta" phase and offers new tools for a wide range of stakeholders to track and analyze global aid data. The event also introduces the adaptation aid work of the Strauss Center's Climate Change and African Political Stability Program (CCAPS), a collaborative research program examining climate change, security, and development in Africa. AidData and CCAPS will present their work with the Government of Malawi, in cooperation with the World Bank Institute, to pilot a robust aid tracking initiative. This initiative represents the first-ever effort to track all active aid across all donors within one country using dynamic geomaps.The event will be livestreamed - the link to view the stream should be available here soon.


Hosted by
AidData, Robert S. Strauss Centre for International Security and Law, World Bank Institute