The international evaluation of the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness

The international evaluation of the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness

This is a past event

This presentation, from a member of the international Core Team, describes the journey undertaken, and the overall findings and conclusions of the study. It explains the implications of the findings for this year’s High Level Forum in Busan, which will set the direction for international aid effectiveness going forward.

The presentation

The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness is a landmark international agreement and programme of reform - the culmination of several decades of attempts to improve the quality of aid and its impacts on development.  Endorsed by donors and aid-recipient governments alike, it sets out a practical road-map of commitments, organised around five key principles of effective aid.  The Declaration aimed to improve aid practice in the light of some huge underlying stakes; the critical need for better lives for billions of people; hundreds of billions of dollars committed to addressing poverty reduction; a web of complex international relationships; and growing, often sceptical, demands from many sides to see demonstrable results from development aid.In August 2009, a team of 8 international consultants, managed by UK-based consultancy IOD PARC, was appointed to conduct the second phase of the OECD DAC's Evaluation of the Paris Declaration. This multi-country assessment comprised in total more than 50 studies in 22 partner countries and across 18 donor agencies. It is the largest evaluation in the international aid sector ever undertaken.

The speakerDr Julia Betts is a social and human development consultant specialising in evaluation design and management; social analysis and social impact assessment; political economy analysis; and aid and development effectiveness. Formerly of the UK's Department for International Development, Julia was a member of the Core Team for the OECD's Paris Declaration Phase II Evaluation, and is one of the Synthesis report's principal authors. She is currently under taking work for the African Development Bank and the Danish International Development Agency.

Julia Betts
MacRobert 051