Mrs Catriona MacDonald

In this section
Mrs Catriona MacDonald
Mrs Catriona MacDonald
Mrs Catriona MacDonald

Moray House College of Education, Diploma of Primary Education (1979); Northern College Aberdeen, Post Graduate Diploma of Special Educational needs (2000) ; University of Aberdeen, Chartered Teacher Module 1, Self Evaluation (2004); General Teaching Cou

Senior Lecturer, Head of School

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 274534
Office Address
MR432 MacRobert Building
Old Aberdeen Campus
581 King Street
AB24 5UA

View on Map

School of Education
Personal Assistant
Personal Assistant
Mrs Lorna Thomson
Personal Assistant Email Address
Personal Assistant Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 274611


 Career History

Head of School 

Depute Head of School 2019 -2022

Director of Learning and Teaching (2015-2019)

Senior Lecturer (2016) 

Programme Director, MA in Education (2013-2016)

Programme Director, Bachelor of Education (Hons)  (2010 - )

Lecturer  University of Aberdeen, School of Education (2008-  2016) 

 Teacher Learning Support Aberdeenshire, Mackie Academy, Primary/Secondary Float (1993-July 2008)  

 Behavioural Support Teacher, Johnshaven Primary School, Grampian Region (1993)

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships

Senate Member 

External Memberships

GTCS: Scottish Placement Management Group 

Scottish Council of Deans of Education 

British Education Research Association 

Aberdeen University/EIS CPD Partnership: Member of Steering Group    

Review of Teacher Education in Scotland: Member of Reference Group

Prizes and Awards


Excellence Awards (2021): 

Nomination: Outstanding Contribution to Blended Learning (teaching)

AUSA Awards  (2019)  

Nominations:  Best Undergraduate Lecturer & Best Support 


Research Overview


Mathematics and Numeracy:

 Having trained as an assessor and pupil tutor through Strathclyde University CPD programme (2005) in South Aberdeenshire, the 'Maths Recovery' diagnostic assessment and teaching frameworks has been a continued area of professional interest. This includes

  • Working alongside students to extend their understanding of pupil's developmental stages of mathematical thinking  
  • Researching the use of video as a tool to develop teacher/pupil understanding

Current Research

Experiences of male students studying on initial teacher primary education programmes

This research project has arisen from informal conversations with some male students within the MA Education Programme. Primary Education is perceived to be a feminine profession so it is maybe hard to conform in terms of gender. Students report some challenges relating to how they are perceived. Further to this, they also commented on negative reactions from the general public when questioned about what they were studying. Catriona MacDonald and Liz Curtis from the School of Education would like to gain an insight to their experiences. The findings from this study will inform future School of Education planning, programme design and highlight where support may be required for future and current students. 

Cambodia:  Capacity Building Project (CBP)working with the University of Battambang & rural primary schools in Battambang Province, Cambodia. 

The Education Inclusion Project is an ongoing partnership between partners in the UK and Cambodia. There are 4 phases to the project.

Phase 1 was a scoping study on status of educational inclusion in rural and remote primary schools in Cambodia. (Sept 2018 - May 2019).  

Phase 2 the Cambodian research partners visited the School of Education to jointly plan the CBP.  (Sept - Oct  2019).

Phase 3 is delivery of the CPD and training of Cambodian Partners (April - May 2021).

Phase 4 involves Cambodian partners undertaking collaborative action research in selected rural schools in Cambodia.  

 Decolonial perspectives on intercultural research in a study of educational inclusion in rural Cambodia






Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) member 

University of Aberdeen School of Education  Partnership Forum member 


Teaching Responsibilities

B.Ed 1

Tutor : ED1028, Learning How to Learn

Tutor ED1054: What makes us Human?

B.Ed 3

Tutor ED3005: Primary Mathematics Curriculum

B.Ed 4

Tutor ED4016/ED4052: Professional Studies, Primary Mathematics Curriculum

Tutor ED4017: Learning and Teaching, The School and Community 


Tutor ED4018/ED4511: Primary Mathematics Curriculum  

PGDE Part Time distance learners

Tutor ED4650 Primary Mathematics Curriculum