MSc Studies in Mindfulness Testimonials

MSc Studies in Mindfulness Testimonials

Read how our students and alumni experienced studying with us.

Interested in exploring Mindfulness at master's level? View the programme page to learn more.

Lisa Emmett

I found the experience of doing a Masters in Mindfulness Studies at Aberdeen university very enjoyable. Coming back to studying after 20 odd years away from academia was not exactly easy, however, the setup of the course, the support of the university admin staff and the knowledge and expertise of the teaching staff made it a very pleasant experience.

While studying online, I got the much-needed chance to improve my technical skills, which was very useful. I particularly enjoyed the face-to-face study weekends at Samye Ling, and of course, the Holy Isle, where we got to meet our student cohort and our various teachers, both from Aberdeen and the Mindfulness Association. I found that the teaching staff went above and beyond my expectations in their support of me and my fellow students, and this created an inclusive and aspirational atmosphere in my course. Professor Graeme Nixon was particularly helpful in his role as dissertation supervisor, providing a patient ear and lots of invaluable guidance for my work.

I would not hesitate to encourage anyone who is considering studying in this way at the University of Aberdeen, to just go for it! It has been a life-enhancing experience, in which I have learnt so much and made some great like-minded friends from my course along the way.