Dr. Joan Forbes, Reader in Education at the University of Aberdeen, and Visiting Professor Gaby Weiner, School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex, have a new paper published in the journal: Research Papers in Education.
The article title is Gender Power in Elite Schools: Methodological Insights from Researcher Reflexive Accounts. The paper poses three questions: How is gender re/constructed through the specific practices of these elite schools? What insights into these specific school gender regimes are offered in researchers’ reflexive accounts? What methodological insights are gained for future such studies? The paper delineates a number of gender power issues which emerged in analysis of the researcher reflexive data. It is suggested that the insights gained should aid the development of gender and power sensitive methodology suitable for future studies.
Joan Forbes and Gaby Weiner’s new article is the most recent in a series from the Scottish Independent Schools Project (SISP). This was part of the Scottish Funding Council-supported Applied Educational Research Scheme, Schools and Social Capital Network. Funding for the SISP project also came for the Godfrey Thomson Trust, University of Edinburgh.
Designed to investigate educational and social in/equalities and social justice using social theory; and seeking to develop and apply innovative research methodologies, the SISP study contributes to the School of Education research themes and related THEORY SPACE, research at the centre of the School research themes, agenda (The Theory Space).