School of Education Postgraduate Research Conference

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School of Education Postgraduate Research Conference

This is a past event

Becoming a Researcher: Present your puzzle piece

Conference Agenda

10.00-10.30 - Registration and refreshments


10.30-10.45 - Welcome speech by Dr David Smith


10.45-11.30 - Keynote Speech by Professor Claire Wallace: “Becoming a Researcher”


11.30-1.00 - The Puzzle Piece of Literature Review

Nejla Tugcem Sahin: Socio-political Empowerment Through Learning Mathematics: Critical

Mathematics Education

Luis Reyes: Neighbourhood Collective Efficacy and Crime: does Public Confidence in the Police


David Barnard: Cracking the Mirrored Maze of Evidence-based Practice in Education.


1.00-2.30- Lunch and poster presentations

Maryam Alnoaimi: Citizenship Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain: a Grounded theory Case Study

Exploring Perceptions of Teachers

David Barnard: Struggling for Matter: Challenging Anthropocentric Trend in Educational Research

Nejla Tugcem Sahin: Understanding ‘the Poverty-Related Attainment Gap’ in Scotland: A Policy


Laura Puhalak: Re-conceptualising Student Experience: Transition into Initial Teacher Education

from a Capabilities Perspective


2.30-3.30 - The Puzzle Pieces of Literature Review and Methodology:

Tracy Robbie: Insider/outsider Research: Exploring Policy-triggered Change in Educators' Habitus

Tracy Edwards: The Translation and Enactment of the Principle of Inclusive Pedagogy by

Experienced Teachers


3.30-4.00 - Refreshment Break


4.00-5.00 - The Puzzle Piece of Findings and Discussion:

Shahrzad Ardavani: Impact of MOOC-based professional development courses on self-directed and

critical learning.

Helia Rahbarikorroyeh: Negotiating the boundaries, exercising authorship: A non-traditional

approach to Education for refugees


5.00-5.30 - Closing Remarks by Dr Elizabeth Curtis


5.30-6.30 – Wine and Cheeses

MacRobert Building