Lectures and Webinars

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Lectures and Webinars

The Significance of the Constitution of 3rd May 1791. A webinar hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in London, 5 May 2021, with the participation of Professor Robert Frost and Professor Karin Friedrich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTQ5XJxier0

'Lex est Rex'. The Administration of Republican Justice in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after 1569.' Jagiellonian Law Society & Penn State University, 9 March 2021: https://www.youtube.com/user/KosciuszkoTV/videos ; https://www.thekf.org/kf/events/KF_Online_Programs/lex-est-rex-the-polish-lithuania/

'A State so Oddly Constituted? The Political Culture of the Polish-Lithuanian Union, 1495 -1795', 19 February 2021 Ringvorlesung, Universities of Halle-Wittenberg & Jena: Robert Frost: A State so Oddly Constituted? The Political Culture of the Polish-Lithuanian Union - YouTube

'The Idea of the Republic in Poland-Lithuania: A Conversation with Robert Frost'
11 December 2020. Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJTdvtKJIZI&feature=emb_title ; http://al.uw.edu.pl/en/the-idea-of-the-republic-in-poland-lithuania-a-conversation-with-robert-frost/