About the Centre for Autism and Theology

About the Centre for Autism and Theology


Professor Grant Macaskill, Kirby Laing Chair of New Testament Exegesis, University of Aberdeen

Dr Léon van Ommen, Semnior Lecturer in Practical Theology, University of Aberdeen

We are keen to build links with non-academic organisations and partners who may be interested in co-hosting events, both in Scotland and around the world. Please feel free to contact Professor Macaskill or Dr van Ommen if you have ideas for such events.

Impact and Public Engagement Co-Ordinator
Helena Cundill, Teaching Fellow in Practical Theology & Hope Trust Research Fellow

Associated Staff

Professor John Swinton, Chair in Divinity and Religious Studies

Professor Brian Brock, Personal Chair in Moral and Practical Theology

Dr Madge Jackson, Senior Lecturer in Psycology 

We are grateful to Holly Russell for designing the images on these webpages. You can find more of her work here.