2025 Gifford Lectures

2025 Gifford Lectures

Miroslav Volf

We are delighted that Professor Miroslav Volf of Yale Divinity School is joining us this year to deliver a series of lectures on the theme Amor Mundi: God and the Character of Our Relation to the World”.

The dates for the lecture series have been confirmed: 

  • Monday 12th May
  • Tuesday 13th May
  • Thursday 15th May
  • Monday 19th May
  • Tuesday 20th May

The series of five lectures will be held in King's College Conference Centre, each one beginning at 6.00pm and followed by a drinks reception. They will also be live streamed. You are warmly invited to come to any and all of the events.

Attendance is free, but we would be most grateful if you could register to attend (both in person and online) here.

Please direct any questions to giffordlectures@abdn.ac.uk