Academic Outputs

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Academic Outputs

Clough, D. L. (2024). Une évaluation éthique chrétienne de l’élevage des animaux. In É. Charmetant & E. Torres (Eds.), L’Église et la cause animale: vers une théologie chrétienne des animaux. Éditions Facultés jésuites de Paris. 

Clough, D. L. (2024). Le salut des animaux dans la théologie protestante. In É. Charmetant & E. Torres (Eds.), L’Église et la cause animale: vers une théologie chrétienne des animaux. Éditions Facultés jésuites de Paris. 

Clough, D. L. (2024). Comment les humains utilisent-ils les animaux? In É. Charmetant & E. Torres (Eds.), L’Église et la cause animale: vers une théologie chrétienne des animaux. Éditions Facultés jésuites de Paris. 

Clough, D. L. (2023). Animal Welfare. In C. M. Norris & J. W. Cunningham (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to John Wesley. Routledge.

Clough, D. L. (2023). Christianity and Farmed Animal Welfare. Modern Believing, 64(3), 236–243.

Grumett, A., & Butterworth, A. (2022). Electric shock control of farmed animals: Welfare review and ethical critique. Animal Welfare, 31, 373–385.

Clough, D. L. (2022). The Bible and Animal Theology. In H. Marlow & M. Harris (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Ecology (pp. 401-412). Oxford University Press. 

Rowe, E. & S. Mullan (2022). ‘Advancing a "Good Life" for Farm Animals: Development of Resource Tier Frameworks for On-Farm Assessment of Positive Welfare for Beef Cattle, Broiler Chicken and Pigs.’  Animals 12(5)

Adam, M.B. (2022). ‘The Purpose of Creatures: A Christian Account of Human and Farmed Animal Flourishing’. Sewanee Theological Review, 62 (4), pp. 733-766

Adam M.B. (2022). ‘The End of Consumption: Eschatological Hope for Human and Farmed Animals’. Concilium, 22 (4),  pp. 72–82

Animal Welfare Committee, Grumett D. (2022). ‘Opinion on the welfare of cattle kept in different production systems’. London: Defra.

Animal Welfare Committee, Grumett D. (2022). Opinion on the welfare implications of using virtual fencing systems to contain, move and monitor livestock. London: Defra.

Adam, M.B. (2021). ‘Flourishing Dominion? Human and Animal Creatures in Relationship’. In Fuller M, Jasper D (Ed.), Made in the Image of God: Essays on Religious Anthropology. (pp. 200–221). Durham: Sacristy Press.

Adam, M. B., Clough, D. L., & Grumett, D. (2020). A Christian Case for Farmed Animal Welfare. Animals, 9, 1116. 

Clough, D. L. (2020). ‘Rethinking our treatment of animals in light of Laudato Si. In R. McKim (Ed.), Laudato Si’ and the Environment: Pope Francis’ Green Encyclical (pp. 95-104). Routledge.

Stokes, J. E., S. Mullan, T. Takahashi, F. Monte, and D. Main (2020). ‘Economic and Welfare Impacts of Providing Good Life Opportunities to Farm Animals’, Animals 10(4), 610.

Adam, M.B. (2019). ‘The Difference Bodily Resurrection Makes: Caring for Animals While Hoping for Heaven’. In Linzey A, Linzey C (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Animal Ethics. (pp. 371-378). London; New York: Routledge.

Grumett, D. (2019). ‘Aristotle’s Ethics and Farm Animal Welfare’. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 32(2), 321–333. 

The project monograph Christian Ethics of Animal Agriculture is due for publication in 2025.