The integrated PhD programme is split into two stages. In stage one, the first year of the degree, the student will take 180 credits of coursework, usually four 30-credit courses and a 60-credit dissertation. Stage two of the degree runs between years 2-4 and functions like a traditional British PhD programme, leading to a 100,000 word thesis.
The courses you select will be shaped by your research trajectory so that you are well prepared for the doctoral phase of the programme.
For the Integrated PhD in Divinity you can focus on any of the following specialist subject areas: Systematic Theology, Theological Ethics, Church History and Historical Theology, Practical Theology, Old Testament and Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Philosophical Theology and Religion.
In order to progress from stage one to stage two of the programme, the student must meet the following criteria:
- Attain an average of 16/22 (B) on their coursework
- Attain 17 (B+) on their dissertation
- Pass a Research Proposal Revision Exercise
- Have two letters of recommendation
Students who meet these criteria will automatically progress onto the PhD programme. If a student does not meet this higher threshold for progression to stage two of the integrated PhD but does pass the coursework and dissertation at a standard masters level, then they will be able to exit at the end of the first year with an MTh or MLitt.