Page 1 of 111 to 10 of 101 Past Events
PUBLIC TALK: (Re)collecting Jacobites in Robert Forbes's 'The Lyon in Mourning' Manuscript
-A talk for all those curious about the Jacobites! Professor Leith Davis reveals 'The Lyon in Mourning'. Supported by Friends of Aberdeen Library.
University Collections at the Founders' Week Discovery Day
-Visit the University Collections stand on Discovery Day and have a go at making your own seal and trying some Latin calligraphy from the Foundation Papal Bull.
-This event is open to students from across the University who are interested in sustainability and exploring a range of games on topics of climate and energy.
Zoology Museum open to Celebrate the Lunar New Year, Year of the Snake!
-University Collections is delighted to be joining in with the Confucius Institute's Spring Family Festival to Celebrate the Lunar New Year on Sunday 2 February!
Student-led Zoology Museum Tour
-Brought to you by the Marine Society and the Zoology and Biological Sciences Society.
Student-led Zoology Museum Tour
-Brought to you by the Marine Society and the Zoology and Biological Sciences Society.