Roll of Honour

Roll of Honour

Brimmell, Edmund Stuart Byron

Rank: Officer Cadet

Regiment: Royal Artillery

Biography: Son of Edmund Richard James Brimmell and Violet Byron Brimmell, of North Harrow, Middlesex.; born Altrincham, Cheshire, 24 January 1926; educated at Watford Grammar School and the Regent Street Polytechnic. He entered the Army in 1943 and in the same year attended the R.A. Cadets' course at the University. Later he went to India, and was taking a course for Officer Cadets at Deolali when he fell ill and died on 1 August 1945. He is buried in the Military Cemetery at Deolali.

Date of Death: 1 August 1945

Burial Details: Buried at Military Cemetery, Deolali

Publication: Roll of Remembrance. Published 1952.

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