Black, John

Black, John

John Black worked initially in Aberdeen as a singer, assistant organist and eventually Master of the Song School. During the reformation, Black at first refused to give up the old faith for the new, but by 1575 he had abandoned Catholicism and his holy orders and taken a wife. A Pavan and Galliard dedicated to William Keith are the only thematically related paired dances to have survived in Scottish manuscripts. ( Composers Online)

Master of the Song School 1556-87.
From Provenance Catalogue: In 1544 John Black was Assistant-Master at St Nicholas Song School under Fethy, whom he later succeeded as Master. He left at the Reformation but was Master again in 1573.

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Biography References
Prov. Reg. Notes,; Drummond 295; ESL 76; Keith, A.: A thousand years of Aberdeen; https://www.dolmet

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