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Page 9 of 10 (Results 401 to 450 of 469) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Pryngill, Wilheme Summaire tres singulaire de toute medecine et cyrurgie speciallement contre toutes maladies survenantes quotidiennement au corps humain. Goeurot, J. Paris 153?
Ratisbon [Regensburg] - Locus Capucinorum Ruperti Abbatis monasterii Tuitiensis ... de divinis officiis libri XII. Rupertus, abbot of the monastery of St Heribert. Cologne 1526
Read, Alex. The summe of the conference betweene John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and the faith of the Church.... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Read, Alexander A discourse upon chirurgery. Fioravanti, L. London 1626
Read, Alexander Annotations upon the five Bookes of Moses, the Booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs or Canticles Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? London 1627
Read, Alexander Master Broughtons letters to and against the Archbishop of Canterbury Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612 London 1600
Reid, Thomas An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Reid, Thomas An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Reid, Thomas An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Reid, Thomas An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Rhaetus, Gulliel. Decretales epistolae Gregorii noni Pontificis Maximi, quas summa fide & diligentia cum libris Petri Rebuffi, iuris utriusque doctoris peritissimi, contulimus:... Gregory IX, Pope. Paris 1537
Robertson, William Virtutum et vitiorum exempla. Ex canonicis libris, Veteris & Novi Testamenti (tum ex Apocryphis scriptis) singulari studio, diligentia & fide... Obenheim, Christoph Geneva 1600
Rule, Gilbert The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate. Prynne, W. London 1627
Rutherford, Alexr. Dictionnaire francois-latin, auquel les mots francois sont tournez en latin. Thierry, J. Paris 1572
Sandilands, James The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Sandilands, Thomas Decretales epistolae ab innumeris pene mendis recens vindicatae exeunt in lucem. Gregory IX, Pope. Lyon 1541
Sandilands, Thomas The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Sauchieburn Manse Library The origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress amongst the most ancient nations. Goguet, A.Y. Edinburgh 1761
Scalan Remarks on the first two volumes of the late Lives of the Popes, in letters from a gentleman to a... Butler, A. Douai 1754
Scalan The history of the most renowned and victorious Princess Elizabeth, late queen of England containing all the most important and... Camden, W. London 1688
Scougal, Henry Theatrum orbis terrarum Abrahami Orteli. Ortelius, Abraham Antwerp 1612
Scougal, Henry Ambrosii Calepini Dictionarium, quarto & postremo ex R. Stephani latinae linguae thesauro auctum. Calepino, Ambrogio Paris 1553-54
Scougal, Henry Commentaria in Acta Apostolorum / auctore Cornelio Cornelij à Lapide. Lapide, Cornelius Paris 1631
Scougal, Henry Prima (secunda, quara) pars huius operis : continens textum Biblie, cum postilla domini Hugonis Cardinalis Hugh,of Saint-Cher, Cardinal Basel 1504
Scougall, Henry Petri Apiani cosmographia. Apianus, P. Antwerp 1540
Scougall, Henry Hegesippi historia de bello Iudaico, scaeptri sublatione, Iudaeorum dispersione, et Hierosolymitano excidio, a divo Ambrosio Mediolanensi antistite e Graeca Latina... Hegesippus, St. Paris 1524
Scougall, Henry The summe of the conference between Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Rainolds, J. London 1584
Scougall, Henry Ioh. Spinaei de tranquillitate animi, libri VII L Espine, de, Jean Geneva 1591
Shepherd, Mary Saducismus triumphatus. Glanvil, J. London 1681
Signet Library Policratici contenta. Festivum opus: & omni statui delectabile lectu: quod intitulant Policraticum de rugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum Joannis Salesberiensis... John, of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres. Paris 1513
Signet Library A newyeares gifte, dedicated to the Popes Holinesse, and all Catholikes addicted to the Sea of Rome. Garter, B. London 1579
Signet Library L'historia ecclesiastica della riuolozion d'Inghilterra. Pollini, G. Rome 1594
Signet Library A pithie exhortation to Her Majestie for establishing her successor to the crowne. Wentworth, P. N.p. 1598
Sinclair, Henry Georgii Fabricii Roma. Fabricius, G. Basel 1551
Sinclair, Henry Georgii Fabricii de historia et meditatione mortis Christi, & de usitatis Ecclesiae Christianae festis ac temporibus, hymnorum libri II. Basel 1553
Sinclair, Henry Quaestiones et decisiones in quatuor libros sententiarum cum centilogio theologico. Ockham, William of Lyon 1495
Sinclair, Henry Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland Boece, H. Edinburgh c.1536-40
Sinclair, Henry La Biblia nuouamente tradotta dalla hebraica verita in lingua thoscana a per maestro Santi Marmochino Fiorentino... Venice 1538
Sinclair, Henry D. Eusebii, Emiseni episcopi, Homeliae ad populum ... / recens in lucem emissae per Joannem Gaigneum Eusebius, Bishop of Emesa Paris 1547
Sinclair, Henry Oratio Reuerendi Patris Magistri Alphonsi Salmeronis de Societate Jesu: theologi nuper in Concilio Tridentino habita, in qua ad exemplar divi... Salmeron, A. Paris 1547
Sinclair, Henry Albini siue Alcuini Parisiensis Academiae conditoris in septem psalmos poenitentiales & CXVIII. psalmu[m], & in Cantica graduum pia ac breuis... Alcuin Paris 1547
Sinclair, Henry Georgii Fabricii odarum libri tres Fabricius, Georg, 1516-1571 Basel 1552
Southey, Robert History of Aberdeen. Thom, W. Aberdeen 1811
Spencer, Earl [Althorp Library] Bibliotheca universalis. Cockburn, John Edinburgh 1688
St Andrews Monastery Inventarium seu repertorium generale Gabrielis byel sup quattuor libros sententarium. Biel, G. Paris 1514
St. Andrews, Dominican Monastery Constitutiones concilii provincialis Moguntini, sub ... Archiepiscopo Mogustino... Anno Domini MDXLIX celebrati Sebastano. Mainz. Provinicial Council. Paris 1550
St. Andrews, Dominican Monastery Evangelia cum commentariis. Reverendissimi domini domini Thomae de Vio, Caietani, Cardinalis Sancti Xisti, in quatuor Evangelia & Acta Apostolorum ad... Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio. Paris 1532
St. Andrews, Dominican Monastery Epistolae Pauli et aliorum apostolorum ad Graecam veritatem castigatae, & per Reverendissimum Dominii Dominum Thomam de Vio, Caietanum, Cardinalem Sancti... Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio. Paris 1532
Stewart, William Here after followeth the prymer in Engylshe [sic] and in latin sette out alonge: after the use of Sarum. Catholic Church. Paris 1538
Straqn (Strachan, Andrew) Responsio brevis Huldrychi Zuinglii ad epistolam in qua de Eucharista quaestio tractatur. Zwingli, U. Zurich 1526?