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Page 8 of 10 (Results 351 to 400 of 469) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Lummisden, Carolus Catalogus annorum et principum sive monarcharum mundi geminus plerisque in locis obscurioribus illustratus. Ryd, V.A. Berne 1550
Lumsden, Robert, of Clova Decretales cum glossa. Gregory IX, Pope, ca. 1170-1241. Nuremberg 1496
Mackenzie, John Whitefoord, Esq. The history of Aberdeen. Thom, W. Aberdeen 1811
Mackenzie, William Pharmacopoeia Londinensis : or, The London dispensatory. Further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of... Culpeper, Nicholas London 1661
Mackinnon, Donald M. An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Macmath, Wm. A sermon preached on the XXX day of January 1702/3 at Edinburgh, by one of the suffering clergy in the... Cant, A. Edinburgh 1703
Malbye, Henry Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per... Tertullian. Paris 1545
Manwaring, Henry Historia ecclesiastica 1577-76. Eusebius, Bsihop of Caesarea. London 1585
Mas, James The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Matt. Mackaile The theory of the earth : containing an account of the original of the earth and of all the general... Burnet, Thomas London 1684
Matt. Mackaile An answer to the late exceptions made by Mr Erasmus Warren against the theory of the earth Burnet, Thomas London 1690
Matt. Mackaile Some animadversions upon a book intituled The theory of the earth Croft, Herbert London 1685
Matt. Mackaile Terrae prodromus theoricus : containing, a short account of, Moses philosophizans. Or, the old (yet new) and true, Scripture theory... Mackaile, Matthew Aberdeen 1691
Matt. Mackaile Terrae prodromus theoricus : containing, a short account of, Moses philosophizans. Or, the old (yet new) and true, Scripture theory... Mackaile, Matthew Aberdeen 1691
Meldrum House Library Que hoc volumine contineantur Josephi historiographi veracissimi vita ex beato Hieronymo. Josephus, F. Paris 1511?
Meldrum House Library Orphei poetarum vetustissimi Argonauticon opus Graecum, cum interpretatione Latina incerti autoris, recens addita & diligentius quam hactenus emendata. Orpheus. Basel 1523
Meldrum, Willelmi / Villelmus Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland Boece, H. Edinburgh c.1536-40
Meldrum, Wm. The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest volume, auctorysed and apoynted by the commandmente of ... Kynge Henrye... Tunstall, C. London 1541
Merser, Thomas The general practise of physicke. Conteyning all inward and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities... Wirsung, C. London 1617
Monastery of St. Peter and St. Paul at Ingasiate Ennarationes in epistolas S. Pauli. Theophylactus,of Ochrida, Archbishop of Ochrida Rome 1477
Montgomerie, Anna The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch London 1603
Montgomerie, Archibald, 11th Earl of Eglinton Memorialls for the government of the Royall-Burghs in Scotland: With some overtures laid before the nobility and gentry of the... Skene, A. Aberdeen 1685
Myll, Andreas Responsio brevis Huldrychi Zuinglii ad epistolam in qua de Eucharista quaestio tractatur. Zwingli, U. Zurich 1526?
Myll, Andreas Ad Carolum Rom. Imperatorum, fidei Huldrychii Zuinglii ratio. Zwingli, U. Zurich 1530?
National Library of Scotland Letters of publication of a commission under the Great Seal, for securing the peace of the Highlands of Scotland. Great Britain. Royal Commission for Securing the Peace of the Highlands of Scotland, 1701-02. Edinburgh 1701
Ogilvie, William An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Ogilvy, Walter The philosophie, commonlie called, The morals: written by the learned philosopher Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated out of Greeke into English,... Plutarch. London 1603
Ogstone, George Omelie divi Gregorij super Ezechielem. Gregory I, Pope. Paris 1502
Osborn, D. The collection of the history of England. Daniel, S. London 1634
Paris, Scots College Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland Boece, H. Edinburgh c. 1536-40
Pattersone, Robert The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Patton, John The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Pendrick, Robert Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland Boece, H. Edinburgh c. 1536-40
Pentland, Lady Historical ballad poetry of Ireland / arranged by M. J. Brown, with an introd. by Stephen J. Brown. Brown, M. J. Dublin and Belfast 1912
Pentland, Lady The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady Ireland in the new century. Plunkett, H. C. London 1904
Perth - Carthusian monastery Opera Bernardi. Bernard, of Clairvaux, St. Lyon 1530
Perth Cathedral Library Elements of philosophy, the first section concerning body. Hobbes, T. London 1656
Phillipps, Sir T. Morayshire Cartulary 1820
Primatt, Humphrey Justini Apologiae duae et Dialogus cum Tryphone judeao. Justin, Martyr, Saint Cologne 1686
Primatt, Humphrey Eusebii Pamphili, Socratis Scholastici, Hermiae Sozomeni, Theodoriti et Evagrii ... quae extant Historiae ecclesiasticae, graece & latine, in tres tomos. Eusebius,of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea Canterbury 1720
Primatt, Humphrey Tou en hagiois patros hemon Gregoriou Nazianzenou ta euriskomena = Sancti patris nostri Gregorii Nazianzeni theologi, Opera. Gregory,of Nazianzus, Saint. Paris 1630
Primatt, Humphrey Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, libri canonici priscae Iudaeorum Ecclesiae a Deo traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti brevibusque scholiis... Tremellius, Immanuel London 1592-1593
Primatt, Humphry Erodianou Istorion biblia e. Herodian. Geneva 1581
Primatt, Humphry The(a)trum orbi(s) terr(a)rum. Opus nunc tertio ab ipso auctore recognitum,... Castigatum, & ... Novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius, A. Antwerp 1584
Primatt, Humphry F. Thomae Campanellae de sensu rerum et magia, libri quatuor. Campanella, T. Frankfurt 1620
Primatt, Humphry Somniorum synesiorum: omnis generis insomnia explicantes, libri IIII. Cardano, G. Basel 1562
Primatt, Humphry Theophylacti ... In quatuor Evangelia enarrationes. Theophylactus, of Ochridia. Cologne 1528
Primatt, Humphry Annotationes in Novum Testamentum Latin 1538 Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536 Antwerp 1538
Primatt, Humphry Omnes quae extant D. Per Hieronymi Stridonensis lucubrationes, additis vna pseudepigraphis et alienis scriptis ipsius admixtis Jerome, Saint, d. 419 or 20 Basel 1553