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Page 71 of 90 (Results 3501 to 3550 of 4462) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Patton, John The summe of the conference between John Rainoldes and John Hart: touching the head and faith of the Church. Wherein... Rainolds, J. London 1609
Pauli, Joan. Lapis metaphysicus, ant philosophicus, qui universalis medicina vera fuit patrum antiquorum. Dorn, G. Frankfurt 1570
Paulus, Joannes Fasciculus medicinae. Ketham, J de. Venice 1500
Pavius, Georgius Hortus sanitatis Mainz 1491
Peacock, George Marci Duncani institutionis logicae libri quinque Duncan, Marcus 1612
Peiresc, Nicolas C. Fabri de. Commentari di C. Givlio Cesare. Con le figure in rame, di Andrea Palladio. Le quali rappresentano Caesar, J. Venice 1619
Pelzerius, And. Octavii Horatiani rerum medicarum lib. Quatuor. Horatianus, O. Strasbourg 1532
Pemberton, Thomas The(a)trum orbi(s) terr(a)rum. Opus nunc tertio ab ipso auctore recognitum, ... castigatum, & ... novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum. Ortelius Antwerp 1584
Pembrook, William James Alexandrini Picolhominei de sphaera libri quatuor. Piccolomini, A. Basel 1568
Pendrick, Robert Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland Boece, H. Edinburgh c. 1536-40
Pennisak, Joannes Matthaei VVesenbecii in Pandectas Iuris ciuilis, & Codicis Iustinianei, Lib. iix. Commentarii. Hi quidem nunquam antea editi: illi uero sub... Wesenbeck, M. Lyon 1583
Pentland, Lady Irish ways. Barlow, J. London 1911
Pentland, Lady Historical ballad poetry of Ireland / arranged by M. J. Brown, with an introd. by Stephen J. Brown. Brown, M. J. Dublin and Belfast 1912
Pentland, Lady Anecdotes of the Connaught circuit: From its foundation in 1604 to close upon the present time / by Oliver J.... Burke, O. J. Dublin 1885
Pentland, Lady Old Irish life. Callwell, J. M. Edinburgh 1912
Pentland, Lady Ireland from the Union to Catholic emancipation: a study of social, economic, and administrative conditions, 1800-1829. Chart, D. A. London 1910
Pentland, Lady The Irish song book, with original Irish airs. Graver, A. P. London 1905
Pentland, Lady To-day and to-morrow in Ireland: essays on Irish subjects. Gwynn, S. L. Dublin 1903
Pentland, Lady Songs from Leinster. Letts, W. M. London 1913
Pentland, Lady The Pope's green island. Ryan, W. P. London 1912
Pentland, Lady M. Home life in Ireland. Lynd, R. London 1909
Pentland, Lady M. Irish recollections. McCarthy, J. London 1911
Pentland, Lady M., Baroness Seventy years of Irish life: being anecdotes and reminiscences. Le Fanu, W. R. London 1914
Pentland, Lady Marjorie, Baroness Modern Ireland and her agrarian problem. Bonn, M. J. Dublin 1906
Pentland, Lady Marjorie, Baroness Liber Ardmachanus: The Book of Armagh. Gwynn, J. Dublin 1913
Pentland, Lady Marjorie, Baroness The world's debt to the Irish. Walsh, J. J. Boston 1926
Pentland, Lady, Baroness The light on Ireland / by Pamela Hinkson Hinkson, P. London 1935
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady The lighter side of Irish life. Birmingham, G.A. London 1911
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady Types of Celtic life and art. Hitchcock, F. R. M. Dublin 1909
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady Ireland in the new century. Plunkett, H. C. London 1904
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady The national being: some thoughts on an Irish policy. Russell, G. W. New York 1916
Pentland, Marjorie, Lady Medicine in antient Erin: an historical sketch from Celtic to mediaeval times. Wellcome, H. S., Sir London 1909
Perth - Carthusian monastery Opera Bernardi. Bernard, of Clairvaux, St. Lyon 1530
Perth Cathedral Library Elements of philosophy, the first section concerning body. Hobbes, T. London 1656
Pesaro, Manicomio Provinciale Euclidis elementorum libri XV. Euclid. Pesaro 1572
Petau, Paul Liber Psalmorum Davidis Regis, et prophetae. Ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus. / A Victorio Scialac Accurensi, & Gabriele Sionita... Scialac, V. Rome 1614
Petau, Paul Historia ecclesiastica gentis scotorum lib. XIX. Qua viri sanctitate, literis, dignitatib[us] toto orbe illustres & familiae, et Scoticae in varias... Dempster, Thomas Bologna 1627
Petau, Paul Historia utriusque belli Dacici a Traiano Caesare gesti, ex simulachris quae in columna eiusdem Romae visuntur collecta. Auctore Alfonso Ciacono. Chacon, A. Rome 1616
Petrus a Dulmen Lives Latin 1491. Plutarch. Venice 1491
Pettinbrinzane, lands of De triplici vita. Ficino, Marsilio,1433-1499. Paris 1494?
Phelypeaux, Jerome Aphorismi politici et militares, collecti per Lambertum Danaeum, variisque exemplis illustrati. Daneau, L. Utrecht 1652
Philip, Thomas Mini Celsi de haereticis capitali supplicio non afficiendis. Celsus, M. n.p. 1584
Philippi, Willelmus Leg[en]de sanctor[um] sanctar[um]que compendiose [et] geste [per] Jacob[um] Voragine. Est aut[em] hic liber trionymus. A plerisque inscribit L[on]gobardica historia. Aurea... Voragine, J. n.p. 1503
Phillipps, Sir T. Douglas family notes. 1815-30
Phillipps, Sir T. Morayshire Cartulary 1820
Pigott, Baptista Sermons of Master John Calvin, upon the booke of Job. Calvin, J. London 1574
Pilkington, Abraham Adagia. Erasmus, D. Geneva 1558
Pirie, George A dissertation on miracles: containing an examination of the principles advanced by David Hume, in an Essay on miracles. Campbell, G. Edinburgh 1766
Pirie, P., Miss A dissertation on miracles: containing an examination of the principles advanced by David Hume, in an Essay on miracles. Campbell, G. Edinburgh 1766
Plummer, of Middlestead The rudiments of the Latin tongue. Ruddiman, T. Edinburgh 1714