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Page 7 of 10 (Results 301 to 350 of 469) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Hendrysone, Johannis Diui Prosperi Aquitanici opera accurata recognita. Prosper, of Aquitane, St Lyon 1539
Henryson, Alexander Prima lec. Dominci de Sancto Gemi. Super sexto li. Decre. Cum apostillis Erimii ... Doctoris mediolanensis... Bernardini ex capitaneis de... Dominicus, de Sancto Germiniano. Lyon 15--
Henryson, Alexander Diui Prosperi Aquitanici opera accurata recognita. Prosper, of Aquitaine, Saint, ca. 390-ca. 463. Lyon 1539
Henryson, J. Historiarum tribus tomis discretarum. Antoninus, of Florence. Lyon 1517
Henryson, Simon Chirurgia Guidonis de Cauliaco. Guido, de Cauliaco. Lyon 1537
Henryson, T. Jacobi Cuiacii opera. Cujas, J. Paris 1577
Henryson, Thomas Tractatus super regulis iuris. Dinus, de Mugello. Paris 1500
Henrysoun, Simion Medicae praedictionis methodus, hoc est, recta brevisque ratio coram aegris praeterita, praesentia, futuraque praedicenti, morbos scilicet, morborumque causas. Taurellus, H. Frankfurt 1581
Hepburn, Francis The bloody tribunal: or An antidote to Popery: being a review of the horrid cruelties of the inquisition, as practised... Marchant, J. Aberdeen 1770
Hilson, George Proof for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esquire, defender, in the reduction, the Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton, and Sir... Edinburgh 1766
Holland House Library Cl. Claudiani opera quam diligentissime castigata... Claudianus, C. Venice 1523
Holland House Library Pharsalia. Lucan Venice 1515
Holland House Library Silii Italici de bello punico secundo XVII libri nuper diligentissime castigati. Silius, Italicus. Venice 1523
Holland House Library In hoc volumine haec continentur ... Io. Baptistae Egnatii de caesaribus libri tres. Cipelli, G.B. Venice 1519
Hollis, Thomas Plato redivivus; or, A dialogue concerning government. Neville, Henry London 1763
Hollis, Thomas The origin and structure of the Greek tongue, in a series of letters addressed to a young nobleman. Sharpe, Gregory London 1767
Hollis, Thomas Anecdotes of painting in England, with some account of the principal artists, and incidental notes on other arts. Walpole, Horace Strawberry Hill 1762
Hollis, Thomas The elements of trigonometry. Emerson, William London 1764
Hollis, Thomas Tryals for high-treason, and other crimes : with proceedings on bills of attainder, and impeachments, for three hundred years past. Salmon, Thomas London 1720
Home, Henry, of Kames Dirleton's doubts and questions in the law of Scotland, resolved and answered. Stewart, Sir J. Edinburgh 1715
Hopetoun House Library De veris animi gaudiis. Bossus, Matthaeus. Florence 1491
Howe, Mary The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Brevaries of L. Florus, with a chronologie to the... Livy. London 1600
Hubert, Richard The history of Polybius... The first five bookes entire; with all the parcels of the subsequent bookes unto the eighteenth,... Polybius. London 1634
Hunter, Frater Ioannes Commentarorium D. Ioannis Chrysostomi in omnes Pauli epistolas. Chrysostom, John, Saint. Paris 1548
Huth Library La recerche [sic] des singularitez plus remarquables, concernant l'estat d'Escosse. Chalmers, D. Paris 1579
Innes, Alex. The workes of ... Alexander Read ... Containing: I, Chirurgicall lectures of tumors and ulcers, II, A treatise of the... Read, A. London 1650
Innes, Alexander The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body ... Vicary, T. London 1633
Innes, Alexander Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great. Sully, Maximilien de Bethune Edinburgh 1773
Irlande, W. Roman history. Appianus, of Alexandria. Paris 1551
Jack, A. A. Sketches of natural history. Howitt, Mary Botham London 184?
Jamesone, Williame Trigonometry: or The doctrine of triangles. First written in Latine, by Bartholomew Pitiscus, and now translated into English, by Ra:... Pitiscus, B. London 1614
Jamesonn, Williame A booke called the Treasure for traveilers, devided into five bookes or partes, contayning very necessary matters, for all sortes... Bourne, W. London 1578
Johnston, David The Byble, that is to say all the Holy Scripture: In whych are contayned the Olde and New Testamente truly... Becke, E. London 1549
Jolley, Thomas Funerals of a right reverend father in God Patrick Forbes of Corse, Bishop of Aberdene: Tou en hagiois Reverendissimi In... Forbes, P. Aberdeen 1635
Kennedy, Hugo Omelie divi Gregorij super Ezechielem. Gregory I. Paris 1502
Kennedy, John D. Hilarii lucubrationes quotquot extant. Hilary, of Poitiers. Basel 1535
Kennedy, John In hoc volumine contenta, Divi Gregorii primi in beatum Job moralis expositionis libri XXXV; Pastoralis cure liber unus in IIII... Gregory I, the Great, St., Pope Paris 1523
Kent, Gregory De antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academiae libri duo, in quorum secundo de Oxoniensis quoque gymnasii antiquitate disseritur. Caius, J. London 1568
Ker, Wm., of Cessford D. Ioannis Chrysosto opera: quae hactenus versa sunt omnia, ad Graecorum codicum collationem multis in locis emendata. Chrysostom, John, Saint. Basel 1530
Laing, B. A summary view of the feudal law, with the differences of the Scots law from it; together with a dictionary... Dundas, J. Edinburgh 1710
Lamoignon Library Memoirs of the court of Augustus. Blackwell, T. Edinburgh 1753-63
Lawson, Henry P. Virgilii Maronis... Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis, doctissimis Servij Mauri Honorati & Aelij Donati... commentarijs illustrata multoque ... castigatius excusa. Virgil. Basel 1544
Lawson, Jacobus Origenis Adamantii Operum tomi duo priores, cum tabulis & indice generali proxime sequetibus / [with a prefatory epistle by Jacques... Origen. Lyon 1536
Lee, Frederick Ruperti Abbatis monasterii Tuitiensis ... de divinis officus libri XII. Rupertus, Abbot of the monastery of St. Heribert. Cologne 1526
Leghe, Z. (J.?) A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parva Lanfranci now first published in the English prynte. Lanfranco, of Milan. London 1565
Liddel, D. Dionis Chrysostomi de exercitio dicendi oratio / Latine reddita a Joanne Potinio. Dio, C. Helmstadt 1595
Liddel, Duncan Omnia ... Opera tralatione Marsilii Ficini, emendatione et ad Graecum codicum collatione Simonis Grynaei, summa diligentia repurgata... Plato. Basel 1546
Liddel, Duncan Dionis Chrysostomi elegantes & perbreves orationes duae : altera de philosophia, altera de philosopho. Dio, Chrysostom Helmstedt 1600
Liddel, Duncan Orationes duae : altera de humilitate; altera de seraphim John Chrysostem Helmstedt 1600
Liddel, Duncan In natalem Jesu Christi John Chrysostem Helmstedt 1601