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Page 65 of 90 (Results 3201 to 3250 of 4462) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
M., M. T. In epistolam Apostoli Pauli ad Romanos commentarii ... Musculus, W. Basel 1555
M., W. A dictionarie in Spanish and English / first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale, gent. Now enl. And... Perceval, R. London 1599
M'Conechy, James A vindication of His Majestie's government, & judicatures in Scotland; from some aspersions thrown on them by scandalous pamphlets, and... Mackenzie, Sir G. Edinburgh 1683
Macdonald, Jas. Miscellaneous observations on planting and training timber-trees: particularly calculated for the climate of Scotland. In a series of letters. Agricola Edinburgh 1777
MacDowell, John Melliflui devotique doctoris Sancti Bernardi abbatis Clarevallen Cisterciensis ordinis. Opus preclarum suos complectens sermones de tempre: de sanctis: et super... Bernard, St., of Clairvaux Paris 1517
Macfie, R.A.S. Faithful advice from England. Edinburgh 1706
MacGillivray, Angus Institutio. Calvin, J. Geneva 1585
MacGregorius, Joannes Admiranda quaedam poemata. Bockenrodius, J. Cologne 1533
Machabaeus Alpinas, Christianus Aristophanous komodai ennea. Meta skholion pollon palaion kai panu ophelimon pros ... Proteron entetupemenon... Aristophanes. Florence 1525
Mackaile, Matt. Archacologiae philosophicae : sive Doctrina antiqua de rervm originibvs. Burnet, Thomas London 1692
Mackenzie, George, Sir. The Laws and Acts of the second Parliament of Charles the Second, begun at Edinburgh, 1669. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1669
Mackenzie, John Whitefoord, Esq. Ioan. Damasceni viri suo tempore in divinis primatum tenentis, omnia quae hactenus & a nobis & ab aliis haberi potuerunt... John of Damascus, St. Basel 1535
Mackenzie, John Whitefoord, Esq. The history of Aberdeen. Thom, W. Aberdeen 1811
Mackenzie, Sir W. Leslie A system of moral philosophy. Hutcheson, F. Glasgow 1755
Mackenzie, William Pharmacopoeia Londinensis : or, The London dispensatory. Further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of... Culpeper, Nicholas London 1661
Mackinnon, Donald M. An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. Reid, Thomas Edinburgh 1764
Macleod, Hugh A large new catalogue of the bishops of the several sees within the kingdom of Scotland, down to the year... Keith, R. Edinburgh 1760
Macleod, Hugh The genuine works of Josephus translated ... According to Havercamp's ... Edition: containing twenty books of the Jewish antiquities; with... Josephus, F. Glasgow 1777
Macleod, Hugh The historie of the Reformatioun of religioun within the realm of Scotland. Knox, J. Edinburgh 1732
Macleod, Hugh Poems, on various subjects and occasions, mostly taken from his own original manuscripts. Robertson, A. Edinburgh 1750
Macleod, Hugh The new universal geographical grammar illustrated with maps. Salmon, T. Edinburgh 1777
Macleod, Hugh The Laws and Acts made in the first Parliament of James VII holden at Edinburgh, April 23, 1685. Scotland. Parliament. Edinburgh 1731
Macleod, Hugh The Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James the First, and his royal successors, Kings and Queen of... Scotland. Edinburgh 1682-83
Macleod, Hugh The Epigoniad: a poem in nine books. Wilkie, W. Edinburgh 1757
Macleod, Hugh The life and acts of the most victorious conqueror Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. Barbour, J. Edinburgh 1758
Macmath, Wm. A sermon preached on the XXX day of January 1702/3 at Edinburgh, by one of the suffering clergy in the... Cant, A. Edinburgh 1703
Maddocke, Cha. The Romane historie written by T. Livius of Padua. Also, the Brevaries of L. Florus, with a chronologie to the... Livy. London 1600
Mahieu, Stephen Biblia latina. Venice 1484
Maidment, James Epigrammata Arturi Ionstoni Scoti, medici regii. Johnstoun, A. Aberdeen 1632
Maijetus, Jo. Ja. (Collections 1487?). Tacitus, Cornelius. Milan 1487?
Maitland, Arthur, Major, of Pittrichie, Esq. The Bible, that is, the holy Scriptures conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament, translatede according to the Ebrew and... Amsterdam 1633
Maitland, R. Calligraphia oratoria linguae Graegae [sic], ad proprietatem, elegantiam & copiam Graeci sermonis paraadam [sic] utilissima. Posselius, J. Frankfurt 1594
Maitland, R. Questiones morales. Magistris, Martinus de. Paris 1490
Maitland, Robertus Questiones morales. Magistris, Martinus de Paris 1490
Maitland, Thos. In epistolam Apostoli Pauli ad Romanos commentarii ... Musculus, W. Basel 1555
Makghie, Joh. De sacra philosophia, sive, De iis quae physice scripta sunt in libris sacris, Francisci Vallesii, liber singularis; theologis, medicis, philosophis,... Valles, F. Frankfurt 1608
Makgie, Joannis Doctrina moriendi Clichtove, J. Paris 1520
Makneill, Andreas Homiliarii Eckiani adversus sectas / ab ipso autore denuo recogniti. Tomus tertius de sanctis ... Eck, J. Augsburg 1536
Malbye, Henry Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per... Tertullian. Paris 1545
Mallarius, Nicolaus Hoc in volumine, Actuarii digesti sunt de urinis libri septem. Actuarius, J. Paris 1522
Maltbe, Johem Rosa gallica aggregatoris Lugdunensis domini Symphoriani Champerii omnibus sanitatem affectantibus utilis & necessaria. Quae in se contenet praecepta, auctoritates, atque... Champier, S. Paris 1518
Malton, George The popes funerall, containing an exact and pithy reply, to a pretended answere of a shamelesse and foolish libell, called,... Bell, T. London 1606
Man, Thomas Liber egregius de unitate ecclesiae, cujus autor periit in concilio Constantiensi. Hus, J. Basel 1520
Manchen, Jacobus De partibus animalium. Aristotle. Paris 1542
Manderston, Willelmus Abhomeron Abynzohar Colliget Averroys. Avenzohar. Venice 1514
Manderston, Willelmus Aureum opus & sublime ad medellam non parum utile Plinii philosophi & medici integerrimi Pliny, the elder Pavia 1516
Mann, H.K. Nicolai de Clemangiis Catalaunensis, archidiaconi Baiocensis Opera ominia qua' partim ex antiquissimis editionibus, partim ex antiquissimis editionibus, partim ex MS.... Clamanges, N de. Leiden 1613
Manwaring, Henry Historia ecclesiastica 1577-76. Eusebius, Bsihop of Caesarea. London 1585
Marburg, Bibliotheca Seminarii Missae Speciales. Catholic Church.. Augsburg 149-?
Marduel, J-B. L'histoire de la guerre d'Escosse, traitant comme le royaume fut assailly, & en grand partie occupe par les Anglois, &... Beague, de, J. Paris 1556