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Page 5 of 10 (Results 201 to 250 of 469) Results ordered by Owner, A to Z

Owner Title Author Publication Place Year
Fraser, James Pleas of the crown: or, a methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject Hale, Matthew London 1694
Fraser, James Historia navalis antiqua, libris quatuor Ryves, Thomas 1633
Fraser, James Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters, addressed by way of letter to a friend Boyle, Robert London 1684
Fraser, James Reflections on Mr. Varillas's history of the revolutions that have happened in Europe in matters of religion, and more particularly... Burnet, Gilbert Amsterdam 1686
Fraser, James The independency of England endeavored to be maintained by Henry Marten, a member of the Parliament there against the claim... Marten, Henry London 1648
Fraser, James The history of the convocation of the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury summon'd to meet on Feb.... Kennett, White London 1702
Fraser, James The history of England; or, Memorials of the English affairs, from the suppos'd expedition of Brute to this island, to... Whitelocke, Bulstrode London 1713
Fraser, James The collection of the history of England Daniel, Samuel 1634
Fraser, James A discourse about the charge of novelty upon the reformed Church of England, made by the Papists asking of us... Hascard, Gregory London 1685
Fraser, James The fatal effects of arbitrary power and the dangerous condition of court-favorites, demonstrated by the wicked intrigues of the court... Pérez, Antonio London 1715
Fraser, James Enthusiasmus triumphatus More, Henry London 1656
French, George An introduction to botany, containing an explanation of the theory of that science, extracted from the works of Dr. Linnaeus... Lee, James. London 1776
Frisius, John Bernhard Opera D. Huldrychi Zvingli, vigilatissimi Tigurinae ecclesiae Antistitis, partim quidem ab ipso Latine conscripta, partim vero e vernaculo sermone in... Zwingli, U. Zurich 1545
Gallouay, Alexandri D. Ioannis Chrysosto opera: quae hactenus versa sunt omnia, ad Graecorum codicum collationem multis in locis emendata. Chrysostom, John, Saint. Basel 1530
Galloway, Alexander Policratici contenta. Festivum opus: & omni statui delectabile lectu: quod intitulant Policraticum de rugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum Joannis Salesberiensis... John, of Salisbury. Paris 1513
Galloway, Alexandri In hoc volumine contenta, Divi Gregorii primi in beatum Job moralis expositionis libri XXXV; Pastoralis cure liber unus in IIII... Gregory I, Pope. Paris 1523
Galloway, Mary, Mrs. Poems. Fergusson, R. Edinburgh 1773
Gant, Archibald An inquiry into the human mind, on the principles of common sense. Reid, T. London 1764
Garden, Ja. Policratici contenta. Festivum opus: & omni statui delectabile lectu: quod intitulant Policraticum de rugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum Joannis Salesberiensis... John, of Salisbury. Paris 1513
Garden, Tho. Epphata to F.T. Or the defence of the Right Reverend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Elie, Lord High... Collins, S. Cambridge 1617
Garden, Thomas Opera Gregorii. Diui Gregorii Papae, huius nominus primi, cognomento magni, operum, tomus primus, libri lob moralem continens expostionem. Subsequitur in... Gregory I, Pope. Lyon 1540-39
Garden, Thomas Commentarius ad edictum Henrici secundi contra parvas datas & abusus curiae Romanae & in antiqua edicta & senatusconsulta Franciae contra... Henry II King of France Lyon 1552
Gascoigne, Thomas Homiliae and other texts. Gregory I, Pope. 13th C
Gordon, J., of Banchory Matthaei Wesenbecii in Pandectas Iuris ciuilis et Codicis Iustinianei libros IIX commentarii olim Paratitla dicti: nunc ex postrema ipsius authoris... Wesenbeck, M. Lyon 1597
Gordon, J., of Banchory Institutiones. Justinian I, Emperor of the East. Lyon 1586
Gordon, William In hoc volumine contenta, Divi Gregorii primi in beatum Job moralis expositionis libri XXXV; Pastoralis cure liber unus in IIII... Gregory I, Pope. Paris 1523
Grafton, Duke of. (Fitzroy, Augustus Henry) Cl. Claudiani opera quam diligentissime castigata... Claudiani. Venice 1523
Grant, Archibald A complete body of husbandry : collected from the practice and experience of the most considerable farmers in Britain. Bradley, R. London 1727
Grant, Archibald The complete farmer : or, A general dictionary of husbandry, in all its branches. Society of Gentlemen London 1769
Grant, Archibald The complete grazier : or, Gentleman and farmer's directory. Horne, Thomas Hartwell London 1776
Grant, Archibald Farriery improv'd : or, A compleat treatise upon the art of farriery [vol. 1] Bracken, Henry London 1745
Grant, Archibald The complete grazier : or, Gentleman and farmer's directory. Horne, Thomas Hartwell London 1767
Grant, Archibald Every man his own gardener : Being a new, and much more complete gardener's kalendar than any one hitherto published. Mawe, Thomas London 1773
Grant, Archibald The farmer's instructor : or, The husbandman and gardener's useful and necessary companion. Trowell, Samuel London 1747
Grant, Archibald Farriery improv'd : or, A compleat treatise upon the art of farriery [vol. 2] Bracken, Henry London 1743
Grant, Archibald The flax-husbandman and flax-dresser instructed : or, The best methods of flax-husbandry and flax-dressing explained, in several letters, / by... Dublin Society Glasgow 1756
Grant, Archibald The gardeners dictionary : containing the methods of cultivating and improving all sorts of trees, plants, and flowers. Miller, Philip London 1754
Grant, Archibald The gardeners kalendar : directing what works are necessary to be done every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens,... Miller, Philip London 1757
Grant, Archibald The gentleman's stable directory : or, Modern system of farriery. Taplin, William London 1793
Grant, Archibald Gardener's pocket-book; or, Country gentleman's recreation. Hill, John London 1751
Grant, Archibald Horse-hoeing husbandry : or, An essay on the principles of vegetation and tillage. Tull, Jethro London 1751
Grant, Archibald Husbandry and trade improv'd : being a collection of many valuable materials relating to corn, cattle, coals, hops, wool, &c. Houghton, John London 1728
Grant, Archibald An introduction to botany : Containing an explanation of the theory of that science, and an interpretation of its technical... Lee, James London 1760
Grant, Archibald Of husbandry, in twelve books, and his book concerning trees. Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus London 1745
Grant, Archibald A new and complete system of practical husbandry : containing all that experience has proved to be most useful in... Mills, John London 1762-65
Grant, Archibald Observations in husbandry. Lisle, Edward London 1757
Grant, Archibald Observations upon the shoeing of horses : together with a new inquiry into the causes of diseases in the feet... Clark, J. Edinburgh 1775
Grant, Archibald Practical agriculture : or, A complete system of modern husbandry. Dickson, R. W. London 1805
Grant, Archibald A practical treatise of husbandry : wherein are contained, many useful and valuable experiments and observations in the new husbandry. Duhamel du Monceau London 1759
Grant, Archibald Present state of husbandry in Scotland : extracted from reports made to the commissioners of the annexed estates, and published... Wight, A. Edinburgh 1778-84